Interview with FutFemDelMundo
Interview with FutFemDelMundo
1.- We would like to start with a presentation from you
My name is Jaime, and apart from my facet as a tipster, I am an international trade technician.
As for my passion for soccer, it comes from my family and from playing for many years at an amateur level, until you reach an age where you force yourself to give it up a bit, although the bug never goes away.
I have always liked everything that surrounds a soccer game, I think that forecasting is similar to the analysis that I did when I played. I would go to the stands to watch the rivals' training sessions to see what sensations they transmitted to me and to look for weak points, I would stay with the key players who could complicate the game for us and I would look at the field where we had to play.
FutFemDelMundo as a nick, is nothing more than the name of my passion for women's soccer that was born as a result of when the Spanish women's Under 17 team was World Champion in 2018.
A generation of soccer players is coming that will place Spain in the TOP 5 of the world ranking and with serious aspirations to win the European Championship and the World Cup.
2.- Great, when did you start betting?
As a bettor I started late, in 2014, making the typical impossible scrolls of various selections that you make when you start, but let's say that I got focused thanks to acquaintances who followed tipsters who verified the bets and immediately took away the idea of betting that way.
I was lucky and got rid of the scammers that you meet when you arrive in the sector. To this day, unfortunately, they continue to scam new people.
But what I liked more than following tipsters was analyzing and betting for myself. I began to educate myself on everything related to the world of betting, buying books and absorbing all the information possible.
People don't realize it, but before putting in a single penny, the first thing to do is train and prepare on a mental level.
They are not aware that it is very difficult to beat the "payout" of the bookmakers and that they invest huge amounts of money in software, analysts and extremely complex algorithms to get the odds. It's a losing war if you go without any training.
3.- At what point did you think it would be a good idea to be a tipster? Tell us about your step from bettor to tipster
You consider it at the moment that you show yourself a regularity or discipline of years in the way you have to predict and you see that you are capable of beating the bookmakers. When you have experienced bad streaks, you overcome them with patience and you see that you have the head to dedicate yourself to this, managing these situations is the most important thing for me.
I started predicting and sharing publicly last year, but I had already come from a long period of learning making money for my entourage by proving to myself that I am worth it.
It was clear to me from the first moment that I started sharing publicly on Tipsterland that despite being FREE, I had to take it as if it were PREMIUM. You owe a responsibility to the people and the trust they place in you to invest their money. I don't like to give a penny to bookmakers.
4.- Why women's soccer?
When someone sees a women's soccer game, they immediately realize how pure they play. It is rare to see someone simulate a fall, there are hardly any fouls, sportsmanship and values are intact, it is a very noble football in that sense. It hooked me and I began to be interested both nationally and internationally.
I specialized in that market thoroughly. By dedicating many hours to it you acquire certain skills, and this leads you to obtain better results.
5.- What is the most “rare” bet you have made? A very unexpected result or some event that you remember.
Unfortunately many unexpected results, due to the nature of the uncertainty in betting. Bet more "rare", that Spain won Eurovision 2014.
6.- Tell us about your service, what do your followers have to take into account? How do you forecast?
They have to keep in mind that it is very important to be quick to replicate the odds. What they are going to find the most in the service are combined in PRE because that is where I find more value, I am very tied in that sense.
There are no magic formulas to forecast, it is about investing money in what you know and in the end it all comes down to a matter of subjective interpretation. Always three or four days before I am already preparing the day and I place the quotas that I think will appear in the bookie.
The follow-up that I do every week to the teams, may or may not make me rule out a selection. There are many factors that condition a selection, I rely a lot on the knowledge I have about the players and the teams.
Everything is based on daily work and monitoring the different leagues where I bet. Collect as much information as possible, consume radio programs, read the press and consult social networks, have more information than the bookmakers I consider more important.
For me, what makes the difference is what the eye does not see, a team changes a lot from one week to another and that information is what gives you an advantage when it comes to finding value in the games and the one that in the end will make you win money.
From my statistical point of view, neither last month's nor last week's are worth it. Currently, we are in a period of ups and downs, due to the existing situation and a team can totally change in a matter of days.
7.- Anything you want to say? feel free to express yourself
When I started in this, I had no knowledge of making money investing in sports betting and I had never heard of women's soccer.
Recommend to people who start, that they train, inform themselves, educate themselves in one way or another in this world of betting... and that they understand that the only way is to specialize in something that they are passionate about and they are good at gain some advantage over the bookies.